Declutter Your Home for The New Year
It goes without saying that when you declutter and get rid of junk, you feel better and more relaxed in your surroundings. Purging is not only part of “spring cleaning”. It should be done consistently, year-round, and then you won’t eventually find yourself overwhelmed and wanting to pull your hair out! An organized life is a happier life.
So, where do you start?
It’s a good idea to take this task on one room at a time. Start with the ‘easiest’ room (so you don’t get discouraged right from the get-go). This will help you start to build momentum. You’ll be more motivated as you go when you start to reap the rewards. Give yourself a deadline for each room or space to prevent procrastination. We all know how easy it is to tell yourself that you’ll get to it ‘tomorrow’.
It can be hard to ‘let go’ of things. It’s so easy to convince yourself that something still fits or that you still have lots of use for something, but a good rule of thumb is this: if you haven’t worn it or used it for six months or longer, you’re likely not going to use it in the next six months either. And don’t feel guilty getting rid of more sentimental things, like cards or gifts that you don’t use or need. If it’s just taking up space or collecting dust, it’s better to throw things out or donate them. Free yourself!
It’s a great idea to set things aside in areas designated as garbage, things to sell, and donations.
For bigger ticket items, such as furniture, mattresses, or appliances, you know if it’s time to upgrade. Maybe it’s time to go shopping for something new!
And what do you do when you have piles of junk or things that you can’t dispose of in your apartment garbage room or through the city disposal service? You call a junk removal company to take care of it for you!
For junk removal in Vancouver, call us today at 604-765-DUMP (3867).
Dunbar Disposal also provides junk disposal services in Surrey, Delta, Richmond, Tsawwassen, Ladner, and beyond.
We serve all communities in Vancouver Downtown, East Vancouver, and Vancouver Westside, including: Dunbar, UBC, Kerrisdale, Kitsilano, Southlands, Point Grey, South Granville, Shaughnessy, Yaletown, Fairview, Oakridge, Cambie, Fraser, Renfrew, Gastown, Collingwood, Grandview, South Vancouver, Marpole & more.